Understand: Event Reports

Use Event reports to organize your records and identify effective fundraising methods.

When selling Tickets for an Event on RallyUp, you can access and export several reports to help you stay organized. You can also use the data to analyze your fundraising methods, pinpoint which strategies were most successful, and create even more successful Event fundraisers in the future.

Insights: Common Excel and Google Sheets Formatting Tips for RallyUp Reports

Access Event Reports

  1. Select Experiences from the left menu.  
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Experience title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Experience image.
  3. Select the report you want to view:

In addition to the reports shown above, you can view and export a list of donations and donor information: How-to: Export Donation and Donor Reports

If you enable QR code check-in, you'll also see a Check-in Attendees option you can use to speed up the check-in process: How-to: Check In Event Attendees and A-Thon or Peer-to-Peer Participants.

View Table Registrations

This option will only appear if you're selling multiple Tickets at once as Tables, Packages, Groups, etc. Selecting this option generates information about each Table purchased:

  • Payment ID (unique number assigned to each transaction)
  • Table Type (only applicable if you create more than one Table type for donors to choose from)
  • Purchased By (name of purchaser)
  • Amount (how much was paid)
  • Number of Tickets (how many Tickets were included in the Table purchase)

You can export one report from this screen:

Table Registrations Report

This report gives you information about each Table purchased, including:

  • Payment ID (unique number assigned to each transaction)
  • Table Type (only applicable if you create more than one Table type for donors to choose from)
  • Purchased By (name of purchaser)
  • Amount (how much was paid)
  • Number of Tickets (how many Tickets were included in the Table purchase)

You can use this report to run analytics like which Table type was most popular. If your Experience included an Event and other Activities, you can also use this report to determine and what percentage of the overall amount raised came from Table sales.


View Ticket Registrations

Selecting this option generates information about each Ticket purchased:

  • Ticket ID (unique number assigned to each Ticket)
  • Name
  • Email
  • Date
  • Ticket Type (only applicable if you create more than one Ticket type for donors to choose from)
  • Amount (how much was paid)
  • Table Type (if applicable)
  • Checked In (Yes or No)

You can export one report from this screen:

Ticket Registrations Report

This report gives you information about each person who purchased a Ticket, including:

  • Ticket ID (unique number assigned to each Ticket)
  • Name
  • Email
  • Ticket Type (only applicable if you create more than one Ticket type for donors to choose from)
  • Access Code (only applicable if you enable Gated Livestreaming)
  • Livestream Access Link (only applicable if you enable Gated Livestreaming)
  • Date
  • Contribution Amount (how much was paid)
  • Table (name of Table this Ticket is assigned to, if applicable)
  • Table ID (unique number assigned to each Table, if applicable)
  • Checked In (Yes or No)
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Phone
  • Country
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Custom Field (only applicable if you created custom questions for donors to answer during checkout)

You can use this report to run analytics like which Ticket type was most popular. If your Experience included an Event and other Activities, you can also use this report to determine and what percentage of the overall amount raised came Ticket sales.

If a donor purchases more than one Ticket type in a single transaction, each Ticket will have its own row in the report. If a donor purchases multiples of the same Ticket type in a single transaction, the multiples will be shown in the same row and the quantity will be noted.


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