Understand: Sweepstakes Reports

Use Sweepstakes reports to organize your records and identify effective fundraising methods. 

When running a Sweepstakes on RallyUp, you can access and export several reports to help you stay organized. You can also use the data to analyze your fundraising methods, pinpoint which strategies were most successful, and create even more successful Sweepstakess in the future.

Insights: Common Excel and Google Sheets Formatting Tips for RallyUp Reports

Access Sweepstakes Reports

  1. Select Experiences from the left menu.  
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Experience title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Experience image.
  3. Scroll down to SWEEPSTAKES MANAGEMENT and select the information you want to view:

In addition to the reports shown above, you can view and export a list of donations and donor information: How-to: Export Donation and Donor Reports

Enter Mail-In Entries

Sweepstakes require a free mail-in entry option to comply with anti-gambling laws. Any mail-in entries you receive can be entered here.

Understand: Sweepstakes Free Entries  

Selecting this option allows you to access information about entries that have been mailed in:

  • Entrant First Name
  • Entrant Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number

You can export one report from this screen:

Mail-In Entries Report

This report gives you information about each offline entry purchase, including:

  • Donor First Name
  • Donor Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Address 1 (street address)
  • Address 2 (second line of street address, if any)
  • Address 3 (third line of street address, if any)
  • Country
  • City
  • Region
  • Zip Code

You can use this report to determine what percentage of total Sweepstakes entries came from the alternate method of entry, or add these individuals to a mailing list.


Manage Sweepstakes Winners

Selecting this option allows you to access information about Sweepstakes winners:

  • Winner Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Prize Won
  • Winning Entry Number

You can export one report from this screen:

Sweepstakes Winners Report

This report gives you information about each Sweepstakes winner, including:

  • Winner First Name
  • Winner Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Prize Won
  • Winning Entry Number
  • Status (Won or Revoked)
  • Revoke Reason (Will be blank unless winning status is revoked and the winner is redrawn)
  • Anonymous Donation? (No or Yes)
  • In Name Of (Will be blank unless the winner dedicated their donation to someone)

You can use the information contained in this report to develop a mailing list of Sweepstakes winners for prize fulfillment.


View Promoters

This option only displays if you've enabled Sharing Rewards on a Sweepstakes. 

How-to: Promote Your Raffle or Sweepstakes with Sharing Rewards

Selecting this option allows you to access information about individuals who participated in the Sharing Rewards program by sharing a link to your Experience online:

  • Promoter Name
  • Sign Up Date
  • Entries Earned
  • Link Uses (number of times a link they posted was used to make a donation or purchase)
  • Amount Raised

You can export this information to a .csv file and use the information to add promoters to a mailing list to share updates or marketing emails.

View Earned Entry

This option only displays if you've enabled Sharing Rewards on a Sweepstakes. 

How-to: Promote Your Raffle or Sweepstakes with Sharing Rewards

Selecting this option allows you to access information about the entries promoters and donors earn when they use a Sharing Rewards link to access the Experience and make a purchase or donation:

Promoter Entries Tab

The Promoter Entries tab automatically displays the following:

  • Date (date and time when entries were earned)
  • Promoter Name
  • Email
  • Entries (number of entries earned)
  • Entry Numbers
  • Awarded For (how entries were earned)

You can export this information to a .csv file and use the report to determine how many entries promoters earned and which sharing methods were most successful.

Donors Entries Tab

The Promoter Entries tab automatically displays the following:

  • Date (date and time when entries were earned)
  • Donor Name
  • Email
  • Entries (number of entries earned)
  • Entry Numbers

You can export this information to a .csv file and use the report to determine how many entries donors earned and which sharing methods were most successful.

Enter Physical Entries

Selecting this option allows you to access information about entries sold offline:

  • Donor Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Amount (amount paid for the entries)
  • Quantity (number of entries sold)
  • Entry Numbers

How-to: Add Raffle or Sweepstakes Tickets You’ve Sold Offline

You can export one report from this screen:

Physical Entries Report

This report gives you information about each offline entry purchase, including:

  • Donor First Name
  • Donor Last Name
  • Entry Start Number
  • Entry End Number
  • Amount (amount paid for the entries)
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Address (street address)
  • Address 2 (second line of street address, if any)
  • Address 3 (third line of street address, if any)
  • City
  • Country
  • State
  • Zip Code

You can use this report to determine the percentage of total Sweepstakes entries from offline physical sales versus online sales.


View Sweepstakes Entries

Selecting this option allows you to access information about Sweepstakes entries sold online:

  • Date (date and time of purchase)
  • Donor Name
  • Email
  • Amount (amount paid for the entries)
  • Entry Numbers
  • Quantity (number of entries purchased)
  • Payment Status

You can export two reports from this screen:

Export Report

This report gives you information about Sweepstakes entries purchased online:

  • Date (date and time of purchase)
  • Donor Name
  • Email
  • Amount (amount paid for the entries)
  • Entry Numbers
  • Quantity (number of entries purchased)
  • Prize (only shows if donors can purchase entries for specific prizes)
  • Payment Status
  • Prize Description

You can use this report to see how much you raised by selling Sweepstakes entries online, which can be especially helpful if you're running multiple fundraising Activities in one Experience.


Entries Report

This report gives you information about each individual entry purchased:

  • Donor Name
  • Donor Email
  • Entry Number
  • Prize (only shows if donors can purchase entries for specific prizes)

You can use this report to learn which method of entry was most popular and to help plan for future Sweepstakes.


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