How-to: Change the Terminology on the Donate Button

Update the Donate button on your Experience page with a custom term or phrase.

RallyUp lets you customize many Experience features to meet your specific needs. You can alter the text on the Experience page Donate button (located in the Experience banner) with a different word or phrase to create a more personalized experience for donors:

Change Donate Button Text

  1. Select Experiences from the left menu.
  2. If you have chosen a list view, click on the Experience title. If you have chosen a grid view, click on the Experience image.
  3. Select Edit Fundraiser.*
  4. Go to Page Design in the timeline at the top.
  5. Scroll down to What will the call-to-action button on your page say? and select a term from the drop-down menu or select Other and ender your own term: 

Good To Know

  • You may use up to 20 characters for your Donate button text.
  • Try to be succinct yet as specific as possible. For example, if you are raising money to provide clean water to a community, consider using the term “Give water” to get more clicks.


*Terminology may differ according to Experience settings.

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